Dynarom Can Show What an MRI Cannot
An MRI is a very impressive technological advancement in medicine, but The DynaROM uses real time motion of the patient to document pain as it happens. The DynaROM is not only able to digitally quantify range of motion, but it also determines what the muscle is doing while it is contracting and relaxing, the quality of motion, measured in microvolts. Injuries to the muscle may not show up in traditional MRI’s but it would show up on this scan. The data gathered from surface electromyography through the DynaRom motion EMG can be compared to normal, pain-free individuals. Abnormal electromyography data indicates an injury to the muscle that will not show on an MRI scan.
One specific area that this Range of Motion assessment is helpful is with whiplash injury from car accidents. Whiplash injuries can be tricky to see on an MRI. Finding the main cause of pain to help with treatment is important. An MRI image doesn’t always capture the injury and it doesn’t capture dynamic data.
You will perform 3 repetitions of a motion over a span of 30 seconds. There are six of these little tests that measure flexion, extension, left and right lateral flexion and left and right rotation. It will measure two different measurments, muscle guarding and range of motion. You would be a great candidate for the DynaRom if you have shown normal range of motion in the past but are still dealing with pain.

Dynarom Can Show What an MRI Cannot
An MRI is a very impressive technological advancement in medicine, but The DynaROM uses real time motion of the patient to document pain as it happens. The DynaROM is not only able to digitally quantify range of motion, but it also determines what the muscle is doing while it is contracting and relaxing, the quality of motion, measured in microvolts. Injuries to the muscle may not show up in traditional MRI’s but it would show up on this scan. The data gathered from surface electromyography through the DynaRom motion EMG can be compared to normal, pain-free individuals. Abnormal electromyography data indicates an injury to the muscle that will not show on an MRI scan.
One specific area that this Range of Motion assessment is helpful is with whiplash injury from car accidents. Whiplash injuries can be tricky to see on an MRI. Finding the main cause of pain to help with treatment is important. An MRI image doesn’t always capture the injury and it doesn’t capture dynamic data.
You will perform 3 repetitions of a motion over a span of 30 seconds. There are six of these little tests that measure flexion, extension, left and right lateral flexion and left and right rotation. It will measure two different measurments, muscle guarding and range of motion. You would be a great candidate for the DynaRom if you have shown normal range of motion in the past but are still dealing with pain.